Friday, February 26, 2010

A little bit about DMND

I started my project, Do Makeup Not Drugs with the intention of making people feel good about themselves. And what is coming from it is so much better than the feeling of just people feeling good about themselves.

It's not a matter of I want this project to get huge, and I want people to know about it- I just want to make a difference in people's lives and make sure that they are able to walk through life with their head held high- and the fact that someone now is actually trying to get help with this, I feel fantastic.

Life is a word that is made up of many different things. It's made up of happiness, and laughter, but it's also made up of some very ugly things; hatred, murder, sadness- all of those are something that if they weren't in our life, would make it a lot eaiser...or would it?

With a mix of quotes here, I've heard it said- how can you appreciate the good things in life unless you have the sorrow mixed in?

That get's me thinking.

I'm a firm believer in fate. I know that it's something that a lot of people believe in, but I really do believe that everything happens for a reason- even though when the unfair things happen to me I tend to wonder why exactly they happened to me.

So, long story short, I kind of suck at updating a blog, which I am going to update at least weekly, and now I will be off and try to find something to do while I wait between texts.

Have a wonderful night everyone

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