I woke up on time and was able to get to school on time where I did the regular activities of the day. Of course though, being myself, I tended to instigate some sort of antic in PE, and by the end of it, we were playing badmitten with two birdies, and four people on each side. IT WAS CRAZY FUN! But, after that, we had choir, and the same usual things happened.
Oh, other than the fact that I made a complete ass of myself! I made a joke to one of my best friends about his girlfriend to find out that they had broken up on Friday, and not only that, it was a bad breakeup. I could feel my heart sink. But, him being the great friend that he was didn't judge me in the least! He just tried to tell me that it was okay, and tried to make me feel better, even though truthfully I should have been feeling as bad as I was!
Of course though, it couldn't have gotten better from that point. When I bot into homeroom, instead of doing homework like I should have, I decided to check my Youtube page, just to find out that people had been trolling around my page, calling me fat and what not. I tried not to let this get to me, but somehow those people got inside my mind and I got really bummed out the rest of the day, feeling self conscious about myself.
Here I am, trying to tell girls to feel good and beautiful about themselves when I find out that I got taken down by a few people that don't even matter to me. That's when it dawned on me though. Even though I am always going to find negative people in my life, telling me that I won't be able to do it, it's the positive people telling me I can succeed that really make a difference. And I hope that's something you all will follow as well!
Then, when I realized those positive things, my day started to get better. Slowly but surely, I was able to get from this funk that I was in! First, I finished up the documentary that I had started watching on Greta Garbo and I hadn't loved her before, I definately fell in love with that woman even more! She was just such a diva on the screen, and such a genuine and funny person off the screen. I need to buy some of her films to add to my collection.
As with everyone else, it's those eyes that make me fall in love with her even more.
So, after I finished up that amazing documentary, (which I recommend everyone to watch ((all you have to do is go to youtube and look up Greta Garbo documentary, and it's the first one)) I went to art where I let everything just sort of unveil. I learned quite a bit about art today in the short time that my teacher was instructing, and I fell in love with art even more. Did you know that most artists were homosexual?
That's Donatello's version of David!
Then, of course after school I finally was able to go up and work out for about an hour where I went home for a little bit, then headed back up to play practice where I got the scene of two of my best friends awkwardly kissing. Oh, I LOVE the theatre! But, I'm not being sarcastic, I adore it!
So, now, I'm leaving you all with a few words of wisdom that was able to help me get through today- "Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do."
I know this is a rather scatter brained post, but I promise that my next one will be better, and I should be able to upload around three videos, so I'm going to be busy, busy busy!!! Everyone have a wonderful day, and just keep remembering that you are beautiful, and every one of you was put here to do something! Make yourself happy today lovies<3
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